What isn’t said about Jews, long noses, love money, and taking over Hollywood? As for the latter, we are not sure, but what is certain is that there are a lot of Jewish actors in Hollywood.

Let’s start with some famous Jewish actors. Not everyone has played in Jewish movies – Jewish movies – in the full sense of the word.

Male Jewish actors

Kirk Douglas – Kirk Douglas is a recently deceased Jewish actor – Jewish actor. He was an actor, producer, director, and more. His films have accompanied viewers from the 1940s to the 21st century. His last appearance on television was in the series “The Murders in the Empire State Building.”  He died at the age of 101.  Some of his films are Spartacus, Lust for Life, and The Great Carnival.

Michael Douglas – son of Kirk Douglas. He is also a Jewish director,  producer, and actor. Winner of an Academy Award, Emmy, and produced the canonical film “The Cuckoo’s Nest”, he starred in “Chorus Song”, “Fateful Courtship” and most recently in “The Avengers” by Marvel and in a series written by Chuck Laurie “The Kaminsky Method”.

Harrison Ford – Han Solo from Star Wars has roots not only in the galaxy but also among Jews. Harrison Ford is a Jewish actor on his mother’s side, who in addition to Han Solo played Indiana Jones, Detective Rick Dakar on Blade Runner, and more.

Dustin Hoffman – Dustin Hoffman is also a Jewish actor who has won Oscars, Emmys, Golden Globes, and more. After many years playing in commercials and lesser-known films, he gained significant success following the film “The Graduate”. Then from his well-known films “Midnight Cowboy”,  “All the Presidents men”  and most recently starred in a series of kung fu panda films. Hoffman is proud and declared Jew who is active for openness in the Jewish world. 

Younger Jewish male actors

Daniel Radcliffe – Daniel Radcliffe is a British Jewish actor best known for the Harry Potter films based on the JK Rowling books. Radcliffe has been acting since the age of 10.  Regarding his Judaism, he said, “I am an atheist but proud to be a Jew.”  There is even a picture posted of him putting on tefillin.

Matthew Broderick – Matthew Broderick is an American Jewish actor best known for several successful films of the 1980s: “Ferris Beuller’s day off,” “War Games,” and “Ladyhawk.” He even contributed his voice to the older Simba in the successful Disney animated film “The Lion King.”

Jewish actresses

Scarlett Johansson – Scarlett Johansson is a Jewish actress and also a singer, model, and dancer. Her first film role was “North” with Bruce Willis, she acquired more fame thanks to the movie The Horse Whisperer and Manny & Lo /.  Other films in which she starred are “Lost in Tokyo”, “Girl with a Pearl Earring”, “Luxury”, “The Avengers” and more. She’s one of the most sought-after actresses in Hollywood. Johansson once mentioned in an interview (Ynet) that although she celebrates both Christmas and Hanukkah, she defines herself as Jewish.

Natalie Portman – Natalie Portman is a Jewish actress who won an Oscar for the film “Black Swan”. Portman was born in Jerusalem, Israel, even years after living in the United States and after her fame, she returned to the city to study at the Hebrew University. She became famous as a 13-year-old girl in the movie “Leon” and later in the Star Wars movies, Black Swan and Vendetta, and dozens of other movies. Portman was married in a Jewish ceremony and her husband converted to Judaism for that purpose. She has also contributed several times to the State of Israel.

Mila Kunis – Mila Kunis is a successful Jewish actress and comedian whose fame came following the successful comedy series “That Seventies Show”. She then starred in many movies such as Black Swan, Ted, Oz, Bad Moms, and more. Kunis was born in Ukraine to a Jewish family. 

In 2011, she was ranked as one of the “hottest Jewish women in the world” by Complex magazine.

These are just some of the great Jewish actors – Jewish actors, there are of course many Jewish actors and Jewish actresses we did not get to talk about like Ben and Jerry Stiller, Daniel Day-Lewis, Elliott Gold, Barbara Streisand, and many others.


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