Jewish Names Archives - Jewish Lost Assets Jewish Lost Assets Tue, 27 Sep 2022 16:36:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jewish Names Archives - Jewish Lost Assets 32 32 Jewish surnames (Jewish last names) Tue, 27 Sep 2022 16:36:53 +0000 Jewish surnames – Jewish last names are a relatively new phenomenon. In the Bible, we see that the name is based on the name of the father, like David Ben Yishai, or on the name of a place like Elijah the Giladi or Elijah the Tishbi. With emancipation in Europe, the Jews were obliged to choose a family name, a […]

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Jewish surnames – Jewish last names are a relatively new phenomenon. In the Bible, we see that the name is based on the name of the father, like David Ben Yishai, or on the name of a place like Elijah the Giladi or Elijah the Tishbi. With emancipation in Europe, the Jews were obliged to choose a family name, a name that would cling to them and be passed on to their sons and daughters.

Between older and modern times there have been additional surnames for Jews Jewish surnames that are not according to the father’s name or place name. One of the more common ways of choosing names was by profession, and to this day one can find tailor, carpenter, baker, and more used as Jewish surnames. Other names are derived from external traits, character traits, and others, for example, smart or beautiful.

The practice of family names was established before the 18th century among wealthy Jews associated with aristocratic families when everyone was forced to choose one. The reason was of course to show attribution. One such surname is Katzenelboigen, a rabbinical family whose roots go back to the 15th and 14th centuries AD. The family was a family of rabbis in many communities, and the name is based on a place name in Germany.

The compulsion to accept Jewish surnames

With the development of more modern and sophisticated methods of government, the Jews were forced to accept surnames. This was the case in the Holy Roman Empire in the 18th century, when some of the names were given by the government and some chose the names themselves. In Prussia in the 19th century, every Jew who wanted to become a citizen had to know how to write his name in Latin or German letters.

Some of the Jewish surnames last names Jewish were taken from the names around them, such as Schwartz – black, or Stern – star. One common speculation among the public is that Jews were forced to buy family names. This belief has no reference, and there were also non-Jews who were given simple and not-so-beautiful names. Although there was no buying of names in Germany a tax bracket was introduced according to the demand for the name, Gold Mountain or Silver Mountain, the meaning of the names of Goldberg and Zilberg, which cost a lot of money. Names based on profession cost less, and the poor were given insulting names. The reason is that the officials chose the names despite an order instructing that Jews could choose their own names. Officials usually chose names based on appearance, such as Weiss – white, Brown – brown, Gross – large, Kurtz – short, and more.   The same occurred in  Prussia and the names influenced each other.

Extensions of Jewish surnames

Many Jewish surnames are based on the name of the father, i.e. son of, in languages, for example, Avraham ben Yitzchak. The suffix to the word son varies from language to language. Thus the names ending in “Vitch” which originated in Poland, Romania, and Russia. Kin, Nicki, Ski, and Tzki are names from the Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus regions. The suffix “Ov” is usually Caucasian or Bukharan. “Ko” is a Romanian suffix. “Shivili” is a Georgian symbol, the suffix “Ush” is mainly in most Eastern and North African Jewry like “Harush”. Al followed by a word, not in Hebrew indicates the name of an Oriental Sephardic Jew. The names beginning with “de”, “d” or “di” are also of Spanish origin. “Jan” or “Zeda” is of Persian origin and Kar is of Indian origin. It should be noted that there are also non-Jews by these names. 

Types of Jewish last names Jewish last names

As mentioned, in the past many names were given according to the name of the father, the name of the profession, or the location, and so it is possible to trace the name of the original father of the family.

Such names according to the profession are Beckerman, a baker; Elbaz, a falcon trainer; Barabi, son of Rabbi; Mualem, an Arabic teacher; Schumacher – shoemaker; Fisher – shoemaker.

Names by places – quite a few Jewish surnames are by places, for example, Toledano, from the city of Toledano or Castel from the province of Castile. These types of names are also common among Yemenite Jewry – Tsanani, Sharabi, Damari, in Iraqi Jewry – Shaharbani, Peres Shirazi, and the rest of Islamic Jewry as well. However,  such names can also be found among Ashkenazi Jews such as Berliner, Berlin, Hamburger, Hamburg, or even country names such as Deutsch – the Dutch, Austrian – the Austrian, and more. Frank is a name given to Ashkenazis who sat among scholars and the Jewish name Ashkenazi indicates just the opposite.

Names according to father’s name – we mentioned the common suffixes for the father’s name such as Vevitz and Jan, but sometimes the suffixes were used to describe the profession of the father of the family, for example, Hazanovich.

Names according to the mother – Ohana means son of Hannah, Ruchlin means son of Rachel. Such names were created when the wedding was purely religious and no marriage was performed under civil law so the children were registered in the mother’s name only. The reason for this was, for example, a law prohibiting multiple marriages, so they preferred not to marry in a legal marriage. Another reason would be if the mother was from a privileged family. This type of name is common in Hasidic families.

Name as a virtue – The name Glick means luck and the name Langliven means long life.

Names from nature – Berg Har, Berman Ish Dov, Ferrara – Agas (pear) from Spanish, and more.

Other names are acronyms like Katz – Cohen Tzad, Maza – Mizra Aharon HaCohen, BK – Bnei Kedoshim.

Other names are insulting names given by officials like Schmutz (dirt) or Asslekop (donkey). There are also non-Jews who have been found with such a name, mostly from poor families.

Other names are based on first names from the Bible Jewish names in the bible – like names of Jewish boys Jewish names for boys like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, or names of Jewish girls Jewish names, Rachel, Michal, Abigail, and more. These names are also based on the names of the original father or the original mother of the family.

There are also Jews who migrated from place to place and adapted the name to the language of the place. In the early days of the State of Israel, immigrants were even required to change their name, so Goldberg became Har-Zahav (mountain of gold). In other countries, too, Jakubowicz became Jacobs or Jacobson in English, meaning the name Jacobs – meaning the name Jacobs is Jacobson the son of Jacob. Sometimes the names change according to the sound, like Berkowitz who became Barak, and there are those who abandon the name altogether and adopt a name related to the name of a place, for example, Yaguri, a member of Kibbutz Yagur.

Common Jewish surnames

Common Jewish surnames can be found with the help of statistics from the State of Israel. In the world, it is a little less clear what the common names are for Jews and who is a Jew at all. The two most common family names for Jews are Cohen in the first place and Levi in the second place. Both names describe the priests from the tribe of Levi, and they have different versions like Kahana, Katz, Rapaport, Tauil Ma’ali, Gindi, and more.

The most common Jewish surname after Cohen and Levi is Mizrahi. The name Mizrahi dates back to the 14th century and indicates the Jews of the East or Jews who lived in the east of the country where they lived. Also, El Kalbi or El Kabli means Mizrahi. The fourth most common name in Israel is Peretz, after the son of the biblical Judas, and indicates the name of the original father and is accepted in Ashkenazi and Sephardic communities. After him Bitton, the Jewish Spanish word for life – from Vitton – this name is also after the father. After him Dahan – which means color in Jewish Spanish. Then Abraham and a common Ashkenazi name in Israel is Friedman, a man of peace in German. Common Ashkenazi names for Jews are Klein, Shapira Greenberg and there are many other Jewish surnames with Jewish last names.

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Jewish Names in the Bible Tue, 27 Sep 2022 16:36:08 +0000 Many of the Jewish names we know come from the Bible. The most common Jewish names from the Bible Jewish names in the bible are of course the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and the mothers Sarah, Rivka, Rachel, and Leah and the kings David and Solomon, and more. Not only are the names of famous heroes of the Bible […]

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Many of the Jewish names we know come from the Bible. The most common Jewish names from the Bible Jewish names in the bible are of course the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and the mothers Sarah, Rivka, Rachel, and Leah and the kings David and Solomon, and more. Not only are the names of famous heroes of the Bible given to Jewish babies. Many of the children born in Israel today are given the names of biblical figures who were not heroes: Itai, who was a warrior with King David; Noa, Bat Zelfahad, and more.

The Jewish names in the Bible are theophoric names, meaning that the name of God was added to their name. Already in the Bible our father Abraham was born in the name of Abram, and God asks him to add H to his name. Sari also becomes Sarah and Jacob becomes Israel. In Judaism, theophoric names are names that contain the letters “El”, “Ya”, “Yeho”, “Yu”, “Yehu” and even “Y”. One can find Jewish baby names Jewish names for babies that originate from Yehonatan, Yosef, Shmuel, Eliyahu, Ezekiel, Yirmiyahu, Yeshayahu, and more.

The most common baby name in baby naming Jewish in Israel is David, after the King of Israel. Common Jewish names in Israel for infants are based on biblical Jewish name Jewish bible names: Ariel, one of the names of Jerusalem; Joseph, son of Jacob and ruler of Egypt; Daniel, the dream solver from Babylon who had the privilege of being able to talk about his name; Judah, the father of the tribe of Judah and the kingdom of Judah after whom the Jews are named.

The most common Jewish name for baby girls in Israel is Tamar. The Bible mentions the name Tamar several times, the bride of Judah, the son of Jacob; Tamar, the daughter of King David, and the sister of Absalom.  The names Tami and Tamara are derived from the name Tamar.  Another biblical Jewish name for girls is Noa, daughter of Zelophehad; Another biblical name Jewish bible name is of the warrior Yael who outsmarted the commander of the Philistines, And of course Sarah in the name of our mother Sarah. With that name, too, there are various customary versions used in naming Jewish babies baby naming Jewish: Shari, Shari, Sarit, Shar. Some also identify the Jewish name Iska with Sarah. The meaning of the name is dominion and power.

In the United States, common names for Jewish babies are Abigail or Avi, the wife of King David after the death of the Carmelite villain, and the meaning of the name in Hebrew: Avi Osher. Esther is the aforementioned name of Queen Esther, Queen of Persia who saved the Jewish people from ruin and thanks to whom Purim is celebrated. There are several versions of the name: Esther, Esti, Etty, Esther, and more. Naomi is a Jewish name that has already crossed borders beyond Judaism. The origin of the name is in the Book of Ruth, Naomi is the mother-in-law of Ruth the Moabite, one of the great grandmothers of King David. The meaning of the name is pleasantness.

In the United States, some of the most popular Jewish biblical names Jewish names in the Bible are Abe, short for Abraham, the first father of the Hebrew nation; Asher, one of the sons of Jacob was Israel and the fathers of the tribe by that name; Jonah, after the prophet who tried to escape from his destination, the name means “pigeon” or “dove”.

Other Jewish names in the Bible are based on names of months, such as Adar, the eldest son of Benjamin named after the tribe of Benjamin, on the names of verbs Yair – will make light. Yair was a judge in Israel. Another name based on a verb is Isaac. There are also names based on the names of trees such as Alon, which is mentioned in the Bible as Alon ben Zebulon.  There are also Jewish names for babies based on the names of an animal, such as Ofer, the son of the doe, which is mentioned in the Book of Songs. Other names for animals are based on animals mentioned in the Bible: Ari or Aryeh, Zeev, Dov, Ayala, and more. It should be noted that there are many Jewish names from the Bible that have already become international, such as Jacob or Jack, Noah, Michael, and Elisha. Or girls’ names like these, Hannah, Leah, and even Elizabeth who is the Anglo-Saxon version of Elisheva, Aaron’s wife. Stein, Mann, and Berg are names of Ashkenazi Jewish origin and mean stone, man, and mountain.

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Jewish Girls Names Tue, 27 Sep 2022 16:35:25 +0000 Nice Jewish names for girls Jewish girl’s names have been with us since the days when Judaism was established. There are the mothers of the nation, like Sarah, Rivka, Rochel, and Leah. There is also Chava (Eve) – Mother to all that lives. In the Bible, you can find prophets like Deborah or Miriam and queens like Queen Esther. Many […]

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Nice Jewish names for girls

Jewish girl’s names have been with us since the days when Judaism was established. There are the mothers of the nation, like Sarah, Rivka, Rochel, and Leah. There is also Chava (Eve) – Mother to all that lives. In the Bible, you can find prophets like Deborah or Miriam and queens like Queen Esther. Many of these names are still used today as Jewish girls’ names Jewish girls names, in one version or another. We have collected some especially nice Jewish girls’ names – Jewish names girl. 


Anat is a very popular name in Hebrew, it originates from the Book of Judges. Anat is the name of Avi Shamgar, a judge who fought against the Philistines. Anat was also the nickname of the goddess of war in Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Middle East. There are several interpretations of the name, some think that its origin is in the root Anna, to answer, this references a wise girl who always has something to answer. Some think that the origin of the name is to sing in Semitic languages. Today the name is mainly used for Jewish girls Jewish names for girls.


Yael is the name of a biblical heroine that is still used today as one of the Jewish names for girls Jewish names. Yael appears in the Book of Judges during the time of Deborah the prophetess. She helped the Hebrew army minister outwit the Philistine commander Sisera and led to his death. The meaning of the name is to ascend in the short form of a mountain goat. There are other versions of the name: Yaela, Yaeli, Jael, and more.


In the Bible, Noa is a very secondary character and not a common name for girls, but in modern Hebrew, Noa has become one of the most common Jewish names for a girl jewish names girl. Noah is mentioned in the book of numbers. She is one of the daughters of Zelophehad, a father of daughters only. The legislation in his case is perhaps the earliest feminist legislation in the Bible. In the time of Zelophehad, it was customary for a father to bequeath his property only to his sons.  Following the requirements of the daughters of Zelophehad, the practice was changed and the inheritance of the estate went to the girls in this case because there were no boys. In Hebrew there are two forms of spelling: Noa in the shorter version and Noah in the full version. It is not clear what the word is, but it is assumed that it is related to movement – moving.


Hodaya is another Jewish name for girls Jewish names girls and this time the source is not in the personality of a biblical woman but from the Hebrew language. In Hebrew, Hodaya means the act of acknowledging, and it means to praise or cherish. However, Hodaya is found in the Bible as a boy’s name, one of the Levites during the Return of Zion period who taught Torah and sang in the Temple. The word Hodaya is also composed of the two words “Hod” (Glory) and “Ya” (name of God), glorified God.


Maya is one of the most common names for girls today Jewish girls names. In Jewish sources, the name Maya appears in the Talmudic book and is the Aramaic name for water. It also means the same in Indian and Arabic. The foreign name is based on the name of the Roman goddess of fertility. There are also those who spell it Mya, when spelled this way “m” and “ya”, mean from God, the daughter was given from God.

Naama, Na’ama, Naamah

The name Naama appears twice in the Bible. She is mentioned in the book of Genesis as the daughter of Lamech son of Methuselah. In the description of the chronicles and the lineage of the generations. Another time Naamah is mentioned as the wife of Rehoboam, king of Judah, in the Book of Kings. The meaning of the Jewish name for a daughter is pleasantness, kindness, and gentleness.


The name Moriah for Girls has become very popular among religious Jewish girls. In the Bible, the name is mentioned in the context of “Mount Moriah”, the mountain where the binding of Isaac was performed, and the mountain where the temple was built. One can interpret the meaning of the name as the perfume of God or God teaches. It is also the name of a plant similar to the Temple lamp.

There are many other Jewish names for girls – girls Jewish names, originating from the Bible, the Hebrew language, Aramaic – the language of the Talmud, Midrashim and the stories of Sages, Yiddish, Maldino, and other Jewish languages.

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Jewish names for boys Tue, 27 Sep 2022 16:34:33 +0000 Suggestions and recommendations There are several sources for Jewish boys’ names, the main source is, of course, the Bible, then the sages of Israel and great rabbis as well as names derived from the Hebrew, ancient and modern language, ie names that are not based on people’s names. Other names are from Yiddish or other Jewish languages. Adam Adam was […]

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Suggestions and recommendations

There are several sources for Jewish boys’ names, the main source is, of course, the Bible, then the sages of Israel and great rabbis as well as names derived from the Hebrew, ancient and modern language, ie names that are not based on people’s names. Other names are from Yiddish or other Jewish languages.


Adam was the first person and is of great importance in Jewish and world history in general. The name is still used today in Hebrew it means human, it sounds similar to a sound in Hebrew so it is a popular, convenient, and easy-to-pronounce name. The origin of the name is due to the fact that man came from the earth.


Aaron is another Jewish male name Jewish name for boys. He was the brother of Moses and the brother who spoke in his name because Moses stuttered. The staff of Aaron is the staff with which he tried to impress the Egyptians with his power. The meaning of the name is to give light, and it is assumed that it is derived from the word “light in Hebrew”. It is a popular name for both adults and young people.


Abraham is one of the most important boys names Jewish names boy in Judaism, He was one of the three fathers of the people of Israel, along with Isaac and Jacob. The Midrash (meaning) of the name in the Bible is the father of many nations. Abbreviations are common for example the names Avi and Abe. The name Abba aba also corresponds to Avraham.


Boaz is also an appropriate name for Jewish boys – Jewish boy names, he appears in the Book of Ruth and is one of the ancestors of King David. The Bible does not interpret the name but it is assumed that it is related to the Hebrew word oz, courage. Boaz is also the name of one of the pillars of the Temple next to Yachin.


Chagai is a name appropriate for a Jewish boy names. The name Chagai means my holidays. Chagai was one of the 12 prophets who completed the Book of Prophets. Chagai also appears as the grandson of our ancestor Jacob, Chagai. The prophet Chagai prophesized a period of Return to Zion and the Book of Chagai includes only two chapters.


Dror is not a name of a personality in the Bible but is a Hebrew name mentioned in the Bible in several contexts, “and you take for yourself spices quality myrrh liquid” (Exodus, ל, כ’’ג). Here it means liquid (Perfume). Or “And ye shall sanctify the fiftieth year, and call the freedom in the land of all the inhabitants of the land.” (Leviticus, כה, י). Here and in most contexts, Dror called for freedom. It is also the name of a sparrow. Today the name is accepted as a male Jewish name boy names Jewish.

Ethan / Eitan

Eitan has a strong meaning in Hebrew, and on Hanukkah, it is customary to sing “We are all a strong light,” meaning we are all a strong light. Eitan is also the grandson of Judah according to the Book of Chronicles, and the Midrash says that it is one of the names of Abraham.


Fishel means fish in Yiddish and is associated with the name Ephraim from the children of Israel and the father of one of the ten tribes. Fishel is linked to Ephraim because Ephraim is blessed to be “fertile as a fish.” Another name suitable for Ephraim in Yiddish is Troika. But beware, Fishel in Hebrew slang means he messed up or did something bad.


The name Gad means luck and he is also one of the sons of Israel, he is Jacob, and the father of the tribe in that name. The name appears in the book of Genesis. A leading nickname in modern Hebrew is Gadi.


The meaning of the Hebrew name Hillel is praise. It appears in the book of Judges as the name of the father of one of the Judges Abdon. However, a more familiar Hillel is the sage Hillel the Elder, one of the Mishnah sages of the Couples period alongside the Old Shammai. While Shammai mostly ruled harshly, Hillel was more lenient.

Itamar – Ithamar

Itamar literally means the palm island or the palm tree island. In the book of Genesis, he appears as the son of Aaron, the brother of Moses. Itamar has become a very popular name in modern Hebrew. Itamar is also the name of the first Hebrew child, Itamar ben Avi, the son of Eliezer ben Yehuda and the first to speak Hebrew after it had been dead for years.

These are only a few of the Jewish names for boys. You will surely find more in the extensive Jewish library.

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Meaning of the name jacobs Tue, 27 Sep 2022 16:33:46 +0000 What does the name Jacobs mean? meaning of the name jacobs Jacobs is a name based on the name Yaakov, from the father of the Jewish nation and the children of Israel, the third father, son of Yitzchak, and father of the ten tribes. Indeed, Jacob changed his name to Israel, hence the names Am Yisrael, the Land of Israel, […]

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What does the name Jacobs mean? meaning of the name jacobs Jacobs is a name based on the name Yaakov, from the father of the Jewish nation and the children of Israel, the third father, son of Yitzchak, and father of the ten tribes. Indeed, Jacob changed his name to Israel, hence the names Am Yisrael, the Land of Israel, and the State of Israel. Jacobs is a family name based on the name of the father (patrons) and corresponds to the son of Jacob or Ben Jacob in Hebrew. The English equivalents to Jacobs are Jacobson, Jacobitz, also Bar Yaakov in Aramaic, or Ivan Yaakov in Arabic. Other family names based on the name Jacob are Jacob, Jacobi, Jason, Jarros, Jack, Jackson Jacobo, Janus, and more.

The use of the name Jacobs as a family name began in the Middle Ages under the Latin influence Jacobus, the Hebrew version of the name Jacob.  The name James is also derived from Jacobus. The first documentation of the name Jacobs is found in 1244 in the “Cartularium Monasterii de Rameseia”. Jacobs is also an ancient Anglo-Saxon name derived from the Christian name Jacob, which is also based on the biblical hero.

The name Jacob was given to our ancestor Jacob because at the time of his birth he held on to the heel of Esau, his twin brother. In late Judaism, Esau was considered the father of Christianity. He then changed his name to Israel following an encounter with the angel of God who fought him and did not release him until the angel inquired about him. Of course, at that time Jacob did not know that he was an angel, but later he learned and changed his name to Israel “because you served with God” (Genesis, 12).

Famous Jacobs in history is George Jacobs who was charged in the Salem trials with witchcraft and executed. Jacobs is also the name of a large coffee company. The brand was started in Germany by Johann Jacobs. Jane Jacobs was a journalist, writer, and urban planning critic. Louis Jacobs was a rabbi who tried to reconcile Halakhah with biblical criticism. Jack Jacobs is a retired general from the Vietnam War. Marc Jacobs is a fashion designer and founder of the brand by that name. Gillian Jacobs has played in “the community”, in “the girls” and more. Julius Jacobs was the British Mandate official after whom the Prime Minister’s House was established in the early years of the State of Israel.

Other similar names to Jacobs in the meaning of Ben Yaakov are Jacobson, Jacobson, Jacobson, or Yaakovshvili in Georgian Jewry. Also, the names are derived from the name Jacques in French, Janco in Romanian, Jacob in Spanish and German, and Jakovo in Italian. Yankel or Yankele is a Yiddish nickname for Yaakov. In Hebrew, a nickname for Jacob is Kobi, which is already used there in its own right. The earliest mention of a name on this basis is Ibrahim Ivan Jacob, who was a Spanish Jewish traveler who traveled through Germany to the Baltic Sea in 965.

In summary, the name Jacobs meaning of the name jacobs has a long history, first as an identifying name based on the name of the father, and son of Jacob, and in the Middle Ages, it became a family name and a first name. The name is first mentioned as a family name in the 13th century, and over the years we find this name among Jews and Christians alike. The corresponding name in Arabic, Ivan Yaakov, is mentioned as early as the tenth century. We find various versions of Jacobs in all languages, and some important Jews are called Ben Yaakov, such as the second aliyah member Yitzhak Ben Yaakov and one of the first pilots in Israel, MK Zalman Ben Yaakov, Yitzhak Ben Yaakov Alfasi, one of the greatest judges of Halacha also known as the Rif, And more.

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