Let’s get acquainted with every Jewish holiday in 2022, all the Jewish holidays of 2022, and what the Jewish holiday is today.

We love holidays, and Jewish holidays are the most fun but what dates do the holidays happen in 2022, what are their customs and how will we celebrate the Jewish holidays this year?

The Jewish holiday calendar – Jewish holidays 2022

The Jewish holidays are celebrated according to the Hebrew year, which is determined by the lunar or solar cycle, taking into account the days of the week. A normal year has 12 months but a leap year has an extra two months, Adar A and Adar B. The months are determined by the lunar cycle and the days begin with the setting of the sun or the rising of three stars. 

2022 begins in the Hebrew year 5782 and ends in the Hebrew year 5783. Whilst the Jewish holidays begin in September-October, the first Jewish holiday in 2022 is Tu B’Shvat, On January 28th.

Tribe (Shvat)  Month

Tu B’Shvat, January 17 2022 the Jewish holiday – Tu B’shvat is known in Hebrew as Rosh Hashana for the trees. There is no ‘vacation’ on this holiday but the children of Israel plant trees and it is customary to eat dried fruits. The Jewish holiday today is celebrated following the sage’s decision to count the fruits of the trees in the Land of Israel, Those living in the diaspora could not eat the fruit from the Land of Israel, hence the custom of eating dried fruits.  

The month of Adar

On the eve of Purim, March 16, 2022, the Jewish holiday is a happy day in which children dress up, read the book of Esther, and eat Oznei Haman (Haman’s ears). On March 16th, Purim day is a day of freedom and celebration. On this holiday we celebrate that the Jews were saved from the decrees of the evil Haman to destroy the Jewish people. In this month in 2022, we also celebrate Shushan Purim on February 17th when it is customary to celebrate the holiday in Jerusalem surrounded by the wall. Hebrew date 13 to 15 Adar 5782.

The month of Nissan

Passover, April 15, 2021, The Jewish Passover is one of the most important holidays in Judaism. In it, we celebrate the exodus of the children of Israel from Egypt and their liberation from slavery.  This is the holiday where we get together for seder night, read the Haggadah eat only matzah and no bread for seven days. This holiday is considered one of the three Jewish high holy days. The seven days of Passover end on April 23, 2022. Hebrew date: 14-21 Nissan 5782.

The month of Iyar

Independence day. May 4th, 2022 is the holiday in which we celebrate the establishment of the State of Israel according to the Hebrew date of Iyar. If you are in Israel you may find yourself a little confused since the day before, May 3 2022 is Remembrance Day for the martyrs of the Israeli systems. Usually, it is customary to light fireworks on the eve of Independence Day, but due to the corona crisis, many municipalities and councils decided to give up this custom, some used drones instead. On the eve of Independence day, a beacon ceremony was also held in which people were chosen to light a beacon due to their achievements. If you are unsure whether today is independence day you can guess according to all the Israeli flags on display from the windows of the houses. Hebrew date: H’ Iyar 5782. 

Jerusalem day, May 28th, 2022 is a national Jewish holiday determined by the Knesset. The holiday marks the unity of Jerusalem following the six-day war when the state of Israel conquered or liberated East Jerusalem. Some also call the holiday Jerusalem Liberation Day,  Jerusalem Freedom day, or Jerusalem Unification Day. Hebrew date 28 Iyar 5781

The month of Sivan

Shavuot, May 29th, 2022. This Jewish holiday is originally an agricultural holiday, celebrating the harvesting of the agricultural grain and which began the period of the first fruits, in which they would bring some of the first fruits of the season to the Temple. This is why this holiday is also known as The holiday of the Feast of Harvest or the Feast of First Fruits.

The name Shavuot is given to it because it ends the seven weeks of the counting of the Omer. The holiday is also known as “The Giving of the Torah” because it is believed that the Torah was given on this date and many read the Torah even through the night. Another of the holiday traditions is eating dairy foods and having water fights. This holiday is one of the three Jewish high holidays in which it was customary to walk to the Temple. The holiday is two days long and ends at sunset on May 29th. Hebrew date 6th of Sivan 5782.

The month of Av.

Tu B’eav 11 August 2022, This is Jewish Valentine’s day, the Jewish holiday of love. The holiday marks reconciliation and consolation, it is described in the Bible that the daughters of Israel would go out in white clothes and dance to find a match. Over the years, it became the Hebrew Valentine’s Day.

The month of Tishrei

New Year’s Eve and the Jewish New Year, September 25 – 27, 2022. This holiday opens the Hebrew year and the Jewish holiday month, in which there are by far the most Jewish holidays. This month is called Tishrei, and in 2022 Part of the Tishrei Jewish holidays fall in September and part of them falls in October. It is usually customary to celebrate New Year’s Eve with the family. Another tradition is to eat an apple with honey, wish a happy new year and sing holiday songs. Hebrew date: 29 Elul 5771 – 2 Tishrei 5782.

On the eve of Yom Kippur and Yom Kippur, October 4 – 5, 2022, Yom Kippur is not exactly a holiday but it is an important time in Judaism, in which many Jews, even secular ones participate in, fasting and not driving. On this day according to the Jewish tradition, the decree of every Jew and in fact of every person will be determined for the next year. On this day, prayers are often said in the synagogue. In 2020 the guidelines were to pray outside and this may also be the case this year. Hebrew date: 9-12 Tishrei 5782

Sukkot, October 9 – 16, 2022, This holiday from the Jewish holidays of Tishrei is celebrated for seven days, during which it is customary to build Sukkot, decorate it, sit in it, eat in it, sleep in it and even entertain. This holiday is celebrated because when the Hebrews fled from Egypt, the children of Israel were forced to live in the desert in temporary huts and not in permanent dwellings. It is one of the three Jewish high holidays when it was customary to walk to the Temple. 14-21 in Tishrei 5782.

Simchat Torah and Shemini Atzeret, September 28, 2021, are two holidays that fall on the same day and symbolize two different things. Shemini Atzeret symbolizes the end of the day of Sukkot and returning home from the Sukkah, while Simchat HaTorah symbolizes the end of the annual reading of the Torah and the beginning of the recitation of the Torah. On Simchat Torah, it is also customary to circle around the synagogue with songs and dances. Date: 22 Tishrei 5782.

Kislev month

Jewish Hanukkah – the eve of Hanukkah and Hanukkah, December 18 – December 26, 2022, This holiday is also one of the most important and well-known holidays in the Jewish religion. The holiday lasts eight days and every day another candle is lit in the menorah and placed on the windowsill. Hanukkah was celebrated in memory of the victory of the Maccabean or Hasmonean Jews over the Greeks, who imposed harsh decrees on the Jews and defiled the Temple. Another reason for the holiday is the miracle of the jug of oil. According to Jewish tradition. When the Hasmoneans came to the temple and expelled the Greeks, they found there an oil jug (jug) that was supposed to light the lamp one day but was enough for eight days. That is why there is a commandment to light a menorah. Another resulting custom is to eat oil-soaked foods, such as donuts, pancakes, and the like. Hence the phrase “there was a great miracle here”, or in the letters NGHP, are the letters written on the spinning top that the children enjoy playing with so much. Hebrew date: 24 Kislev 5782 Now you know all the Jewish holidays in 2022 – Jewish holiday 2022


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