YOU HAVE REACHED THE SECOND STAGE, A CONSULTATION MEETING WITH OUR HISTORY EXPERTS (We only recommend booking a consultation with an expert if you meet the following two conditions): 

  1. You have done some research in the past on locating your family’s assets, but have reached a dead end and have no idea how to proceed from there.
  2. You performed a search on our site by running your last names (and/or your family’s) in search on the site.

 So if you meet the above two conditions our research team is here to help you.

Ireland’s research team consists of graduates with master’s and doctoral degrees in the history of the Land of Israel – experts in the purchase of historic land between 1880 and 1960 who know the various archives in Israel like the back of their hand. They are the ones who will know how to guide you and the steps you should take in your research to locate your family assets acquired between 1880 and 1960

Book yourself a counseling session now and receive a step-by-step tutorial on how to reach a breakthrough in your research

What should you do now?

Step one: Choose whether you want a 30 or 60-minute consultation

Step two: Choose a date and time that suits you

Step Three: Sign up for a meeting with your name and email address

Step Four: Pay through PayPal

Step Five: Click the blue button and Schedule a meeting

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*Need Help? We are here for you! Click the chat button in the right of the screen

After receiving confirmation of the meeting by e-mail and in order for the meeting to be effective, it is advisable to send us the following materials by e-mail to


  1. All the materials you have about the properties you are looking for.
  2. All the materials you have identified in your previous research.

If you prefer not to send them to us, please bring them with you to the meeting

*Need Help? We are here for you! Click on the orange envelope mark at the bottom right of the screen

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