Every influential Jewish comedian

It is not difficult to think of the names of Jewish comedians who have influenced not only the history of humor in America but throughout the world. Without conducting a search on Google, we can name Groucho Marx, Lenny Bruce, Jerry Seinfeld, and more. Charlie Chaplin, of course, despite the rumors, was not a Jewish comedian.

Jerry Seinfeld: Jerry Seinfeld is probably the best-known Jewish comedian today. He is also the richest of all the comedians. This is of course due to his successful sitcom from the 1990s. Although Seinfeld was not a typical Jewish comedy-Jewish comedy, it does refer to some of his experiences as a Jew, such as the episode about the dentist who converts to tell antisemitic jokes or stand-up clips about his experiences in Israel and Israel is mentioned more than once.

Lenny Bruce: Lenny Bruce is a Jewish comedian from New York who worked in the 1940s and 1950s. He’s one of the most influential comedians of all time and is one of the forefathers of the standup genre. Bruce was the first to break new ground and create a show that was more than just a man telling jokes on stage. He brought up satirical passages against the establishment, broke taboos, and spoke dirty, due to this he was also arrested more than once. His character really comes through in the Jewish comedy – Jewish comedy –  “the wonderful Mrs. Meisel”.

Groucho Marx: While it makes sense that all the Marx brothers are Jewish comedians, Groucho is the most unforgettable of them because of the persona with the mustache and cigar and because of his memorable wit,  for example, “I usually do not forget faces, but in your case, I will deviate from my custom.” He is also considered a pioneer in the field of television quizzes and even got a complex named after him,  the “Marx Complex”, thanks to the immortal quote “I am not willing to be a member of a club that is willing to accept me”.

Mel Brooks: Mel Brooks, the king of parodies, is also a well-respected and influential comedy director. He created and directed the young Frankenstein, the producers, Space Madness – a parody of Star Wars, the crazy history of the world, Men in Gatkas, and tens of thousands of other films. We exaggerated slightly, but a lot. Brooks is one of the few people to have won Emmy, Oscar, Grammy, and Tony awards together.

Sasha Baron Cohen: Sasha Baron Cohen is known in the world mainly for his film Borat, in which he pretends to be a Kazakh journalist. But the Kazakh in the film is actually real Israeli Hebrew. Cohen is the son of immigrants from London and his mother was an Israeli from Haifa. In the 1980s, he stayed in Israel on a kibbutz and was a member of the Bunim Dror socialist Jewish movement. His Israeli roots also went beyond comedy when he played the Israeli spy Eli Cohen in the spy series “Eli”.

Seth Rogen: Seth Rogen is a successful Canadian Jewish comedian, who was discovered in Jude Apatow’s series “Paris & Geeks”. He is also the director and producer of some movies about friendships between men like Superbad, This is the end, Knocked up, and more. 

Billy Crystal: Billy Crystal is also an actor, comedian, director, and well-known producer. He was discovered in a 1970s series “soap” a parody of the soap opera. His biggest success is in the movie “When Harry Met Sally,” with some of the most memorable scenes in movie history.

Volodymyr Zolansky: The greatest success of a Jewish comedian is actually not in the field of comedy. Volodymyr Zolanski is a Jewish comedian who became president of Ukraine. He started out with a bunch of sketches and became a lead actor in a situation comedy in which he played the president of Ukraine. Playing the part was not enough for him so he ran in the real election and won more than seventy percent of the vote.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, some of the most influential Jewish comedians. We did not mention all of the Jewish comedians. There are of course also Woody Allen, The Three Stooges, Jerry Lewis, Don Riklis, Andy Kaufman, and many more.


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