Jews like to do is discover other Jews

Jews are easiest to find through famous Jews, and they are everywhere, in Hollywood, television, comedy, high-tech, music, politics, finance, and more. Here is a list of some of the most famous Jewish people in the world.

Jewish actors – Jewish actors

Jewish actors include actors of all genres, world-class Jewish celebrities such as Scarlett Johanson, Natalie Portman, and Gal Gadot, who is also Israeli, and actors and comedic artists such as Woody Allen, and Seth Rogen, and Adam Sandler. Character actors like Daniel Radcliffe. Classic actors like Kirk Douglas, Harrison Ford, and Dustin Hoffman. Some other Jewish celebrities are Daniel Day-Lewis, Lisa Kudrow, Mila Kunis, Elliott Gold, Joaquin Phoenix, Goldie Hawn, Hedi Lamar, and more.

Jewish comedians

Jewish comedians have been famous since the days of Vaudeville, and Jewish humor is considered one of the best types of humor. The most successful Jewish comedians are of course Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David, thanks to the successful comedy series “Seinfeld”. Don Rickles is a famous and influential Jewish comedian who is considered the inventor of the insult standup or,  as it is called in Israeli Hebrew “put-downs”. You can also add Mel Brooks, The Marx Brothers, Lenny Bruce, Bill Maher, Andy Kaufman, Bob Saget, and more. In the comedy department, you can count Sarah Silverman, Amy Schumer, Roseanne Barr, Carol Kane, and of course Joan Rivers.

Famous Jewish singers

Jews also play a significant role in music. One of the most influential singers in folk, pop, and rock music is Bob Dylan, whose actual name is Robert Allen Zimmerman. Leonard Cohen was also a Jew. Matisyahu is perhaps the most successful ultra-Orthodox Jewish singer of all time. They are also joined by Billy Joel, Lou Reed, Randy Neumann, and more. In the category of Jewish female singers, we can find Paula Abdul, Carly Simon, Regina Spector, and Dana Schur. Also Pink and Leslie Gur are Jewish and of course, Barbara Streisand, Bette Midler, and Scarlett Johansson, who is also a singer.

Famous Jewish producers and directors

There is no doubt that Steven Spielberg is one of the most well-known and successful Jewish producers and directors of all time, with films like ET and Schindler’s list – one of the most successful Jewish films – Jewish movies – and plays a significant role in the standards of cinema. Judd Apatow is the producer and director of the most successful film comedies in the world. Michael B., the producer of the Transformers films, is also a Jew. Sydney Lumet, the director of the 12 Jurors and The broadcast network, is also Jewish. Rob Reiner, director of The Magic Princess, and when Harry met Sally, is not without Judaism. You can add quite a few directors and producers like the Cohen brothers, Charlie Kaufman, the Warner brothers, and more.

Famous Jewish journalists

In the field of journalism we can find Larry King, the Jewish presenter of RTA America and formerly on CNN; David Pacman, the presenter of The David Pacman’s show, Martin Agronsky, Jake Tapper from CNN, Katie Tour from MCNBC, and of course Barbara Walters, the first woman presenter of the show, Tonight’s edition. Another of the presenters is Dana Bash, a senior presenter at CNN. Other Jews in news companies are Wolf Blitzer of CNN. Karl Bernstein, from the Watergate, reveals, was also a Jew. Other famous Jewish journalists are Thomas Friedman, Gloria System, ​​Katie Couric, a CBS presenter, and more.

Famous Jewish writers

Quite a few Jews have also succeeded in the field of literature. Among the classic Jewish writers, we can mention Shalom Aleichem, the humorous writer about the Jewish town, Kafka, the inventor of the Kafkaesque situation, Eli Wiesel, who told the world about the Holocaust from his personal experience; Isaac Babel, one of the greatest Russian storytellers of the twentieth century, Yitzhak Bashevis Singer, who wrote in Yiddish. Among the American Jewish writers we find Isaac Asimov, the most important writer of science fiction; J. D. Salinger, author of The Catcher in the Rye; Joseph Heller, author of Catch 22; Philip Roth, author of Portnoy’s Complaint; Michael Chevon, author of the Yiddish Police Association. Other famous Jewish writers are Paul Oster, Shalom Ash, Sol Blue, Alan Ginsberg, Arthur Miller, and more.

Famous Jews in hightech

In addition to culture, many Jews can also be found in technology companies. The most well-known is, of course, Mark Zuckerberg, founder, and CEO of Facebook. He defines himself as a believing Jew, and in a speech at Harvard, he even recited from the prayer “He who blessed.” Alongside Zuckerberg, at the top of the list of international technology companies are Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the founders of Google, who recently retired from its management. Steve Ballmer, the former CEO of Microsoft and the company’s largest shareholder, is a Jew by birth.  Today he prefers owning the LA Clippers, basketball team. Also worth mentioning are Garrett Camp, founder of Uber; Jan Cum, founder of WhatsApp; The founders of Check Point Marius Nacht, Gil Schweid, and Shlomo Kramer, Michael Dell founder of the computer company named after him, Larry Allison, who was previously the richest Jew in the world, and many others.

Famous Jewish businessmen

Of course, even in the field of finance, Jews do not lack. According to Forbes’ Michael Bloomberg, chairman of the big media agency and who previously declared his desire to run for president, is one of the richest Jews in the world and the richest Jew outside of technology. The owners of the perfume company and the luxury brands Chanel, Allen and Gerard Wertheimer, are also Jews. Sheldon and Miriam Adelson, owners of the hotel and gambling company Las Vegas Sands and the Israeli newspaper Israel Today, rank ninth among the richest Jews in the world. Len Belvatnik, one of the richest people in the Soviet Union, is one of the ten richest people in the world, with assets in Britain and Israel. In Israel, he owns Channel 13 and the Nesher cement Monopoly.

Famous Jewish athletes

Famous Jewish athletes include, for example, the Jewish baseball player Sandy Copax or another player Hank Greenberg, the Jewish basketball player Dolph Shays or Max Zaslowski, and football Julian Edelman or Nate Avner.

Famous Jewish politicians

Many years have passed since 1909, when the first Jewish minister in the United States, Oscar Strauss, was appointed Minister of Labor. Today one can find many Jews in all the senior ranks of the state administration, Steve Menuhin, the finance secretary of the current administration, is a Jew. Jared Kushnir and Avi Berkowitz are senior advisers to President Trump and are both Jews. Jews in the Treasury in the current administration were Adam Zubin and Neil Wallin. But perhaps the most famous Jew in this position was Henry Morgenthau, who served as a minister in Roosevelt’s administration. Bernie Sanders is a senior politician in the Democratic Party and a former candidate for the party leadership. Tony Blinken, who served as Obama’s deputy secretary of state, is also Jewish.

Outside the United States, there were some important Jewish politicians, Trotsky was one of the founders of the Communist Party in Russia, according to Marx’s ideology, and also a Jew. There were and are also several Jewish heads of state in the world, Ricardo Doro, former president of Honduras is a Jew. Saloman Gattis,  a Jew was the Prime Minister of Peru and the third Jew in this position. Russian Prime Minister Michael Mishustin is a Jew, Latvian President Egils Levits is a Jew, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is a Jew and there are many other Jews who have served as heads of state. And this list of famous Jewish people is not complete.


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